In May of 2001, we started our company called BookMark My Word. It is a non-profit organization where children from all over the country design and color original bookmarks and then sell them for one dollar. 100% of all the money we raise goes directly to funding cancer research. Since 2001, we have raised and donated over $43,000.oo to this worthy cause.

Our Story

Jennifer stumbled on the idea of starting our own company. She read an article in a magazine about kids starting their own companies. She asked me if I would like to run it with her. I was five at the time and maybe I didn’t know everything I was getting into but it sounded like fun.

That afternoon my sister sat down and asked my mom if we could start our own company. My mom said yes but she asked who we were going to give our money to. My sister at the time was only nine so she didn’t really think of giving her money away. She asked my mother what she meant by giving away our money. My mom then explained to her that we had everything we needed in life and only had wants.  My mom then told us to go find someone who had needs and give the money to them. She told us over and over again that it will come back to us in life. We decided we would give our money to cancer research. We have known many people who have had cancer and thought that they could use our help.

We tried many things to sell but they were either too expensive or took to long to make. When I was little, my sister used to like to read to me all the time. She would get so upset when people “dog eared” their books. One day when she was reading to me she said “How about a bookmark”? I said I like to read and I am sure people who are sick must like to read.   We thought it would be neat if each bookmark was designed and colored by children. This way no two would ever be the same. Everyone could use a bookmark and some might even need two. It was then that we decided that we were going to make book marks and give all of the money we raised to cancer research.


'Tis the Season. . .

"Caroling for a Causeis an event we started 5 years ago, and is run by BookMark My Word.                         12/18/2011

"Caroling for a Cause", was started in the neighborhood of Cary Park, in Cary, NC in 2006. The project involves older kids leading younger kids around the neighborhood, and helping them sing to holiday songs at houses, and ask for donations. Every group will stop about half way through the evening at different houses that host kids for hot chocolate, candy canes, and other treats. Volunteers sing, create posters for advertising, set up Cocoa Houses, and of course, make holiday bookmarks to hand out. This past year we had over 120 participants and raised over $4700 in one evening. 

Email: for volunteering opportunities this December 2012


Rockin' for Hope: Jack Sprat's Cafe, Chapel Hill, NC  10pm - 2am                                                              4/16/2010

Come on out for a night of great music and good times. Jack Sprat's is hosting 3 bands: Screaming Crayons

Talking Ugly, and Group Mentality. This BMMW fundraiser will benefit UNC's Lineberger Cancer Center.



Mike Ran for Cancer: Tobacco Road Marathon, Cary NC                                                                            3/21/2010

Mom and Dad have allowed me to sign up for a Half Marathon. I am running the Tobacco Road Half Marathon in Cary, NC on March 21st. To raise money, I am asking for donations and will run in Honor of and/or in Memory of a loved one. The names of the people I will be running for will be printed on my shirt. If you'd like to make a donation, please mail it to the address below and be sure to let me know the name of the person you would like me to run for. Thanks for your support - Mike

BookMark My Word, 2007 Mill Gate Lane, Cary, NC, 27519

See Photos

 For more information about volunteering or about our organization, email us at

To order "Angel Bookmarks,"  please
 email us at:

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